Edo Šturlić

Name: Edo
Surname: Šturlić
Address: Dubravica 21
Zip Code : 10090
City: Zagreb
Email: edo.sturlic@mirtaprodukcija.hr
Cell: +385 91 902 3531
Activites: Camera Operator,Location Manager,Location Scout,Production Coordinator,Production Manager,Stills Photographer
Past Projects / IMDB credits/ Links: For recent projects I worked on as Assistant Producer / Fixer, Location Manager, Location Scout and Transportation and Logistics Co-ordinator and Drone Operator, please see the profile of my production and location services company MIRTA PRODUCTIONS LLC here on this web site!

When we are not working for our foreign clients, I shoot, operate the drone and edit our own documentary projects and corporate videos we produce for the local companies.

Also see the Making Of section on www.croatianlocations.hr for some behind the scenes photos of our favourite projects.
If you can understand Croatian, have a look at www.mirtaprodukcija.hr, our site for the local market.

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